About: Metro PCS provides you the flexible wireless calling services without any contracts and for unlimited period of local and long-distance services. You have to pay the bills for monthly but not by per minute. There are various plans and coverages as per your needs including downloading ringtones, wallpapers and games etc.
Online Since: April, 1999.
Related Sites: www.businessarchives.com, www.virginmobileusa.com, www.sinkhole.org, www.nextel.com, www.mycricket.com, www.goldcupcoffee.com, www.us-south.net, www.ufl.edu, www.t-mobile.com, www.flacertinvestigator.com, www.businessreferralgroup.org
Technical Details: IIS server based website and requires flash and javascript to be installed.
Whois Info: Available.
Q: Does anyone tell me about this Metro PCS Prepaid Visa Card? Any help!
A: Metro PCS Prepaid Visa Card is like a store value card with the help of which you can pay your bills, online purchasings and much more where visa cards are accepted. You can get details about this Metro PCS Prepaid Visa Card by visiting the webpage: http://www.metropcs.com/visa/
Q: I want to use my metropcs Visa Card at ebay or paypal. How can it be used there?
A: You can use your visa card at ebay or paypal for online purchasings. You just have to add your card to your account and start using it.
Q: I want to transfer funds to my bank account using my metropcs visa debit card prepaid card. What will be the procedure?
A: You can transfer your funds using online share funds feature so that the cardholders can send money to any of their U.S. bank account. You can also do it by simply logging in to www.metropcs.com account and view your account details as well.
Q: What is the customer service number for metro pcs phones services?
A: You have to dial *611 from your MetroPCS phone or can call at toll free number 801-383-1015 for various customer services details.
Internet Ranking: #7,986 web ranking for this website. Above 95% visitors are from United States only.
1 comment:
How can I cancel my metropcs visa prepaid card? I dotn want to use it anymore and I dotn want to pay the $3 monthly maintenance fee anymore.
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