No matter how effectively you manage your money; there are times when things simply cannot wait until the end of the month. A credit card may be an extremely valuable financial instrument, providing you with the freedom and peace of mind to accomplish what you need to do, when you need to do it.
The AIB Click Credit Card puts you in charge, allowing you to pay for those unexpected purchases. It also offers Ireland's lowest APR. When you use your credit card to pay for products or services, you are charged an APR (annual percentage rate). APR is an annualised rate that includes all expenditures, including interest and any other recurring charges. When it comes to credit cards, consider AIB Click, the credit card that makes your money go further.
- Google Pay and Apple Pay available
- The minimum age for applicants is 18 years.
- A minimum annual income of €16,000 is required.
- The AIB Click Visa Card is available to personal customers who are registered users of AIB Phone and Internet
- The maximum credit limit available is assigned according to applicant's credit status.
- Balance transfers are not allowed.
- The minimum repayment amount is 3% or €6.35, whichever is more.
- Typical APR of 13.80% is based on purchases to the full extent of a credit limit of €1,500 plus the Government stamp duty charge of €30 per account per year.
- This card is accepted everywhere you see the VISA sign.
- Online account access
- Additional card holder
Fees and Rates
- Purchases have a low annual interest rate of 9.11 percent (variable) (Fees, Charges and Important Information).
- There is no yearly bank fee (the government charges a stamp tax of €30.00 each credit card account). Other fees and charges may be charged.
- Annual Percentage Rate (APR): 13.8% (variable)
- Representative Example: Assuming you have a credit limit of €1,500 on your card and use your entire limit to make a single card purchase immediately after receiving your card, and you repay in equal monthly payments over 12 months at an interest rate of 9.11 percent variable (Representative 13.8 percent APR variable), the total amount you will pay back is €1,574.02, which includes a government stamp duty charge of €30.00. The interest would be €74.02.
- You may add one more cardholder to your AIB Credit Card if the cardholder is a family member (defined as a parent, spouse, partner, sibling, or child over the age of 16) who typically resides at your residence.
Card Limit and Repayments
Other advantages include:- You can choose your own credit limit. Using AIB Internet Banking, you can seek an increase in your credit limit.
- Spread out your payments. You choose how much you wish to repay with an AIB CLICK Visa Card, from the minimum (3 percent or €6.35, whichever is greater) to the whole outstanding balance.
- Up to 56 days of interest-free credit You can avoid paying interest if you pay your bill in whole and on schedule each month.
- Log in to AIB Internet banking to view your monthly credit card statement.
- Cash on the spot- You can withdraw cash with your AIB CLICK Visa Card and PIN (Personal Identification Number) at any ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) or bank that displays the Visa logo, both at home and abroad. Annual cash interest rates, as well as fees and levies, are applicable.
- Customer Support - If you have any questions, please call (01) 668 5500 (or +353 1 6685500 from outside the country). If your card is lost or stolen, please call us 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 1800 24 22 27 (or +353 1 269 5022 from outside Ireland).
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